What do the Harry Potter adults think of you?

Result #2 Albus Dumbledore you are an Order member but thinks youre too anxious.
Lord Voldemort sees you as a major threat and wants to have you killed as soon as possible. Гахахаха! Канешн! Только я могу захватить мир! XD
Minerva McGonagall thinks you misbehave way too much. буууу, какая скучная дамочка! Ничо она не понимает (:
Severus Snape hates you. Нет! Снейпчег! Не надо меня ненавидеть!!!! Я этого не переживу!!! XDDDD
Rubeus Hagrid thinks youre a good person. о_О"
Horace Slughorn thinks you were a brilliant student with great potential. Нда?... и почему мои учителя так не думали -_-
Sirius Black loves you with all his heart and would kill for you. Аааааа, милашко ((((:
Remus Lupin thinks youre a great friend. Еще один милашко (:
Bill Weasley is secretly madly in love with you. кто-нить знает, кто это? о_О"
Lucius Malfoy acts like he hates you but actually has sick fantasies about you. Оооо! Какая прелесть!!! ^^
Bellatrix Lestrange wants to personally torture and then kill you. Гахахаха! XD
Peter Pettigrew thinks youre scary. (:{
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