И да, кто помнит кусок из Rebocon blue, где Кикё поет Kufufu no fu
Я нашел-таки перевод xDDDD
Больше всего понравилось два момента:
Kikyo:: [/ hot awesome stare at Ryohei] "Did you feel that?"ну вы поняли, да? Я терь знаю, как можно законтачить Кикё и Рё - hot awesome stare! 2) Lussuria:: "Ok, next team. Varia team. Everyone sang right... NOW THIS IS VARIA QUALITY! These power using, violent, (something adjective to describe Xanxus and Squalo) pair even tried their best to sing this song. Like I said before this is truly VARIA QUALITY! Be very happy, it was very well done!
ХЕЛЛ ЙЕЕАХ! Вария зе бест оф зе бест! Особенно наша чВВВВи самое главное, все Кикё подтанцовывают, одни Скуало - пень. Потому что МУЖИКИ НЕ ТАНЦУЮТ! там должен был быть еще фейспалм на босса!!! xDDD
Ах, но как же Като Мукуро там опустил, ахахахха, за аниме, верно, отомстил xDDDD
перевод целикомRyohei:: "Ok, sorry for the wait. The Millefiore team... um..." [/ Shouichi helps Kikyo wear his jacket] "...this person right?..."
Shouichi:: "That's right. Please go." [/ Millefiore team bows; Kikyo salutes and prepares not before giving a nice long glance at Mukuro, in which Muku is very confused.]
Ryohei:: "Hai, thank you very much. That was Millefiore teams' Kufufu no Fu!"
Kikyo:: [/ hot awesome stare at Ryohei] "Did you feel that?"
Ryohei:: [/ didn't understand... probably "what"]
Kikyo:: "You didn't feel it..."
Ryohei:: "Don't use that cool face against me please~... That was really cool right now, the lights went SPARKLING~! That shocked me. Kato Kazuki, that was very well sung Kufufu no Fu."
Kikyo:: "Thank you."
Ryohei:: "Um... that is enough that... Um... I'm sorry but could the other people please stop doing that..."
Kikyo:: [/ laughs]
Ryohei:: "You can stop that now, it was very sparkling.... we need to talk." [/ dancers move out of the way; crowd goes "KAWAII~~"]
Ryohei:: "This song... er... what do you think about it Kazuki-kun?"
Kikyo:: "Um.. well, this kind of family...type battle... I wanted to sing this song and I thought that this might be a good place to sing it."
Ryohei:: "This place."
Kikyo:: "Hai."
Ryohei:: "I see."
Kikyo:: "To be honest, I didn't know what to do... then, when I first heard of it (assuming the song), I was like "wow, this is so super cool" and then somehow it became a samba [/ does the dance moves; audience laughs; turns to Mukuro] "Mukuro! Come!"
Mukuro:: [/ stands up pouting x2]
Kikyo:: [/ moves close playfully] "Please don't be angry~" (I love this part~ Kikyo has such a cute voice here~) "But it's very cool."
Mukuro:: "Ca-Can I say something? Kazuki's awesome~" [/ audience fangirls]
Kikyo:: "Thank you very much."
Ryohei:: "Is that so? That must be it. Boss (referring to Byakuran), what did you think?"
Audience:: "DANCE!"
Byakuran:: [/ waves and does a small samba shake] "Well, let's see. The truth is this samba group, the four of us, for this samba... wiggled a lot. We sweat a lot. We practiced a lot for this. [/ turns towards audience] Did we do good? [/ audience goes 'did well!'] Thank you everyone, that means we did fine!"
Ryohei:: [/ grabs mike] "Hai, thank you very much."
Kikyo:: "Thank you very much."
Ryohei:: "Thank you very much everyone, once again this is Millefiore's team! Thank you very much. [/ everyone returns to their spot] Ok, the performance is over! Ok, now it is time for the judge. Lussuria the judge!?"
Lussuria:: "Hai hai! [/ grabs notebook] Ok, first one. Vongola's team: Mukuro-san's JUMP! Mukuro-san and.....Ts.."
Tsuna:: "Me me!"
Ryohei:: "The two of them."
Lussuria:: "Ah right, the two of you. Well this... the original was Kyoko and Haru-chan. I really (can't catch it... but the audience laughed... something along the lines like I admired that song or something like that...) REALLY... (don't know what dokoidokoi means) It was really cute but very 'dokoidokoi'."
Mukuro:: [/ OTZ] "I'M SORRY!"
Lussuria:: "But it was really, for the two of you partnering, to Japan was very peaceful. (probably implementing that the two of them character wise cause a lot of destruction)" [/ returns to notebook] "Ok, next team. Varia team. Everyone sang right... NOW THIS IS VARIA QUALITY! These power using, violent, (something adjective to describe Xanxus and Squalo) pair even tried their best to sing this song. Like I said before this is truly VARIA QUALITY! Be very happy, it was very well done! Ok. Next." [/ moves to notebook again] "Um... Millefiore. Kikyo's... Kufufu no Fu. You see, I already saw this at RED. In RED, Dino sang this song. Well... Dino lost... Kato Kazuki... lost. Iida... possibly did the best (or worst... did understand that word but searched it up and it said 'well-rounded and mature'). It was a really wonderful stage! ANYWAYS, MILLEFIORE TEAM IS THE WINNER!!!"
Ryohei:: "Congratulations! Millefiore team please come on up."
Someone on Millefiore team:: "We did it! Yatta."
Ryohei:: "Could we get the accompany. [/ moves into their Samba spot]"
Kikyo:: "Um... um... well this... [/ calms down] Byakuran-san can take it from here."
Ryohei:: "Byakuran-san, anything you would like to say?"
Byakuran:: "Um, this performance... the first person that I would like to thank is... my father and mother, thank you!" [/ everyone does the anime fall]
Ryohei:: (couldn't catch it)
Kikyo:: "What about me?"
Ryohei:: "Thank you, this is the family battle! Disband!"p.s. тян, я знаю, что мы опять будем смотреть сегодня вечером... xDDD